1967: F Troop Series Finale The final episode of F Troop, “Is This Fort Really Necessary?,” aired on this day in 1967. 1981: Patrick Swayze Appears on M*A*S*H On this day in 1981, movie heartthrob, Patrick Swayze, appeared in the M*A*S*H season nine episode, “Blood Brothers,” as a young soldier who finds out he has leukemia when he attempts to donate blood to his dying friend.
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On This Day in Sitcom History — April 6th
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1967: F Troop Series Finale The final episode of F Troop, “Is This Fort Really Necessary?,” aired on this day in 1967. 1981: Patrick Swayze Appears on M*A*S*H On this day in 1981, movie heartthrob, Patrick Swayze, appeared in the M*A*S*H season nine episode, “Blood Brothers,” as a young soldier who finds out he has leukemia when he attempts to donate blood to his dying friend.